Irish United Nations Veterans Association

IUNVA | Honouring | Caring  | Remembering

Christmas Greetings
IUNVA National Chairman

Dear Members, Associate Members, Families, and Friends.

As we approach the end of another year, I am honoured to reflect on the incredible work and dedication shown by all members of the Irish United Nations Veterans Association. Together with our Honorary President, Major General Kieran Brennan (Retd), the National Executive Committee and Delegates we remain steadfast in our mission to “Remembering, Honouring, and Caring.”

This year, our shared commitment has been evident in every aspect of our association. From supporting our fellow veterans to organizing commemorative events and volunteering time to strengthen our Posts and communities, your contributions have made a profound difference.

On behalf of the National Executive Committee, I want to extend our heartfelt thanks to each of you for your unwavering dedication and generosity. It is through your collective efforts that IUNVA continues to thrive as a beacon of unity, respect, and compassion.

As we celebrate this festive season, let us also remember those who cannot be with us – our absent friends, loved ones, and comrades who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of peace. May their memory inspire us to carry forward the torch of honour and service into the new year.

From my family to yours, I wish you a peaceful and joyous Christmas and a prosperous New Year. May 2025 bring good health, happiness, and continued success in all we do together.

Yours in peace and service,


Nollaig Shona agus Ath Bliain faoi mhaise dhíbh go léir.


Derek Judge,
National Chairman


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We honour our fallen comrades by holding Annual Wreath Laying Ceremonies at our Irish United Nations Veterans Association Memorials and gravesides. Events are held annually throughout the country by our Posts.
We have a number of burial plots countrywide for members who fall on hard times. Details and requests can be made to National Welfare Officer of any Post Welfare Officer.


To advise and assist our veterans, who have been adversely affected physically or mentally as a result of their UN Service. Welfare Officers are available countrywide to provide assistance for those who may have difficulties in coping with burials, domestic issues and accomm-odation needs. We have a number of Drop-in Centres, some with accommodation countrywide where members and non-members are welcome to visit for advice, tea, coffee, comradeship and a friendly chat.


To ensure the memory of those who gave their lives, service and sacrifice in the cause of peace on United Nations Service is not forgotten. To remember deceased ex-members of the Defence Forces who served at home and overseas and members of an Gardai.
We continue to erect IUNVA Memorials and secure graves countrywide.

MiSsion Statement

The main objects or charitable purposes for which the Association is established are:

  • The prevention or relief of poverty and economic hardship and the provision of financial relief in cases of necessity or distress to members of IUNVA and their dependants within capabilities.

  • To provide financial and other supports to veterans whose lives have been adversely affected as a result of service with the United Nations.

  • Integration of disadvantaged veterans and promotion of their full participation in society.

  • To promote, for the public benefit, the commemoration of Irish citizens who have died in the cause of world peace while on service with the United Nations or on United Nations mandated missions or operations.

Subsidiary Objects

As objects incidental and ancillary to the attainment of its Main Objects, the Association shall have the following subsidiary objects:

  • To promote public awareness, understanding and appreciation of the history of Irish participation in United Nations peace support missions and operations.

  • To support, where requested, training, education and awareness within the Defence Forces and other organisations regarding overseas service and the history of Irish participation – particularly where lessons were identified or major challenges overcome – and to promote the remembrance of lost comrades through membership of the Association.

  • To support commemorative and ceremonial events organised by the State, Óglaigh na hÉireann (The Defence Forces), An Garda Síochána, local authorities, local communities and other national veterans’ associations.

  • To assist with academic research into Irish involvement in United Nations and United Nations mandated peace support operations and missions, and the collection and collation of archival material in this regard.

  • To provide and coordinate health education courses, advice and counselling for members.

  • To provide a network of support and social interaction through the organisation of social, recreational, cultural and sporting activities for members and their dependants.

  • To establish, maintain and encourage contact with likeminded kindred associations and agencies in Ireland and in other countries.

  • To engage and advocate with central government, local government, state and voluntary agencies in advancing the interests of the Association, its members and families of members.


Welcome to the Irish United Nations Veterans Association

Through these pages we hope you will gain an insight about IUNVA and learn what the association stands for and what we are about.

There are some interesting articles in the Blog section to read.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you’re curious about who we are! what we do? we’re here to answer any questions.

Contact Information for IUNVA Museum