Counselling for Veterans
Any veteran in any sort of crises and requiring counselling services can get in contact with:
Steven Shields, 086 138 0825, or email: HQVSO@oneconnect.ie
Tony Stafford, 087 280 8750 or email onecaseworker1@gmail.com

Irish United Nations Veterans Association Pipe Band
Any Post requiring the services of IUNVA Pipe Band or Piper should give three or four weeks notification in advance of the date of the event. Payment to Pipe Band can be negotiated at time of booking, a piper travelling to an event in his own transport will have to be reimbursed.
Application to book their services to be made to HQ.

The Road Show is available to travel countrywide to events Military or Civilian to promote our Association.
Application to book their services to be made to HQ.
IUNVA Uniform & Accessories Price List
Price List 2022

New Item Available soon
NOTE: This is NOT part of Association Dress and is only for casual wear.
Dress, Medal Entitlements Etc.
For information about medal entitlements, please contact your post secretary. Details of authorised medals to be worn are contained in Dress & Ceremonial Hand Booklet which is issued to all members.
No other Badges are permitted to be worn with the exception of Name Badge, Parachute Wings, An Fainne and Pioneer Badge. Members will be required to remove any unauthorised medals or badges at official functions or parades.
Purchasing Officer: Eddie Doyle Post 31
e-mail: edward.doyle@ymail.com
Please add €5.00 per order for postage (if required).
Medal Mounting
A Medal Mounting Service is available to all who wish to avail of it.
For more information please contact:
Murty Quinn
087 – 9394680
e-mail: mquinn18@eircom.net