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First Ministerial visit to UNIFIL 03/10/1978
Forty five years ago, the first Irish unit to deploy to South Lebanon received a visit from the Minister for Defence Bobby Molloy who was accompanied by Lt Gen Carl O’Sullivan COS, HE Eamon Ó Tuathail Irish Ambassador to Lebanon, Comdt Jimmy Flynn ADC to COS and M Healy Sec DOD. This was the first…
Maj Gen Maureen O’Brien DSM ̶ Stand-Down
We congratulate Maj Gen Maureen O’Brien who was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, with Honour at her stand down parade on Friday 13 Oct 2023 at McKee Bks at the end of forty two years service in the Defence Forces. Gen O’Brien was born in Galway City in 1960 and after she finished her B…
25th Anniversary of Rescue 111 Crash at Tramore
By PRO IUNVA TRAMORE CRASH 2 JUL 1999 Today on the twenty fifth anniversary of their deaths we remember Capt Dave O’Flaherty (30), Capt Mick Baker (28), Sgt Pat Mooney (34) and Cpl Niall Byrne (25) who lost their lives Dauphin DH248 helicopter, Rescue 111 crashed at Tramore Co Waterford. At 2202, the crew was…
Opening Statement to the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence
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The Niemba Ambush 8 NOV 1960
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